Saturday, September 12, 2015

Teddies Worldwide Artist Show

My First online teddy show! I'm rather excited to see where this will go....
All my pieces are One-Of-A-Kind artist created pieces......hopeful "orphans" looking for world-wide homes. This is my notification of this show; it is listed on my Facebook pages now and again until the show is over. I encourage everyone who can, to please check this out. Thank you! Maggie Newman

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The "Ides of March"....HAH! Winter Marches On!

We're almost through least favorite month. (It used to be August, when I was a school teacher). It seems like WINTER will never leave us this year. I've had a hard time concentrating on any new creative ideas, and seem to want to be some place else.....Wherever I'm not!
We have created some new things, which I shall post here soon, after I've done the photo shoot. The bears are smaller this year and seem to be more traditional....not too much glitz or glitter, but I do believe that I am satisfied with them. Some "oldies" will be getting new looks, as soon as the four foot drift melts that keeps me from the storage barn. I am so looking forward to the Quinlan Art Doll and Artist Teddy Bear show this year first weekend in May.

In the mean time, here's a couple of Maggie's Creations that have not been seen before. The top piece is called "Maggie @ 61"....notice the roller blades: that means that Maggie is still goin' strong. These will become a statement on many new figurative sculpture pieces to come.

The bottom photo is titled "It Ain't Easy Being Green", a take off on the Randy Newman song of the same title. Great T-I-C. (tongue in cheek) Both these pieces are in private collections.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Art Bear and Art Doll Totems!

For years, I have bought bear pins, unique bear necklaces, and also collected art doll and art bear tack pins from the various shows that I have attended or shown my art. I had the bear totem idea last year, but due to the creating of other items, I had to place this creation a bit down on my list. Well, I just finished my own bear totem, but I now find that I have other ideas churning around in this brain of mine for more! I would like to generate my own creative challenge to artists: create your own totem of art for your specific artform. Here's what Maggie's Bear Totem looks like:

The bear is 26 inches, created from an antique carriage robe (rayon, I believe), that I hand dyed, since I did not truly like the taupe color of the carriage robe. If I create more using this fabric, I shall use "color remover" (Rit) before I try to dye this, since the color I had in my mind did not show up! However, I LOVE reds, so I am happy with the result. I do not intend to retail this piece; it's for ME to remind me of the wonderful times/shows in which I have sold my art work. I believe this challenge would be fun for many who have fallen in love with the creativeness of art dolls and art bears.